Monday, February 23, 2009

Biomimetic Hormone Seminar - The Wiley Protocol

Dr. Provorse will present the Wiley Protocol, an approach to hormone replacement that mimics the body's natural cycle. Unlike replacment regimens which deliver the same dose of hormones each day (birth control pills, most topical creams, most thyroid prescriptions), this "biomimetic" system attempts to replicate the beautifully complex process of the endocrine system. By varying the amount of hormones over the course of a lunar/monthly cycle, one can more accurately restore hormones to their natural, wave-like rhythms.

This seminar will be hosted by Pacific Compounds Pharmacy which is a Registered Provider of The Wiley Protocol, a compounded natural, topical hormone regimen. The seminar will be held at Pacific Compounds Pharmacy at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, April 1st, 2009. The price to attend is $15.00, reservations are required and may be made by calling: 503-640-3080. A FREE copy of T. S. Wiley's book "Sex, Lies and Menopause" will be given to one lucky attendee of this seminar.

Dr. Rebecca Provorse is a naturopathic physician in private practice in Portland, Oregon. Her interest in women's health began in undergraduate school, where she studied biology and anthropology and was a member of Asklepiads (a pre-medical honor society).

In medical school she worked for three years under the tutelage of a women's health expert. In 2004, Dr. Provorse graduated from the National College of Natural Medicine (NCNM) in Portland with a master's degree in Oriental Medicine and a doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine. After completing her board exams, Dr. Provorse spent six months studying bio-identical hormone replacement in the clinical practice of another colleague. In 2005 she began her own private practice in NW Portland. Her business, Glow. Healthcare for Women, LLC, has a focus of natural healthcare for females: puberty through menopause. Her interest is in endocrine disorders. Dr. Provorse began providing the Wiley Protocol to her patients in 2006, where--for some time-- she was the only WP practitioner in the state of Oregon.

Dr. Provorse believes in patient education and empowerment. She works closely with her patients as a primary care provider or healthcare ally to ensure they have what they need to make informed choices about their health. In addition to hormone replacement, she utilizes nutrition, botanical medicine, acupuncture and hydrotherapy as treatment modalities in her practice.

You can find more information about Dr. Provorse and her practice by visiting her webisite:

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